Legal information

Le cercle, club privé pour membre particuliers. Vinum itineris

Legal information


This website is the property of Crans-Montana Services Sàrl, a public limited company incorporated under Swiss law, domiciled in Crans-Montana and registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Valais under number CHE-175.528.202.

Legal age and alcohol consumption

The sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited under Swiss law. Anyone ordering from our site must be over 18 years of age at the time the order is placed.
The information expressed on our site must not be understood as an incitement to consume alcohol.

Media – Credits

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs and text used on this site are the property of Crans-Montana Services Sàrl and are subject to copyright. Any use aof the aforementioned content must be subject to a prior written request for authorisation. We reserve the right to refuse any external use of our content.


VAT number – CHE-175.528.202.


Crans-Montana Services Sàrl.
Route des Mayens 1 
3963 Aminona

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